Giulio Maspero

Indice degli argomenti

  • Prof. G. Maspero


    The objective of the course is twofold: (1) a first, more theoretical dimension is the review of the treatise on the Trinity, but from an eminently practical perspective (2), because the goal is re-reading it from the perspective of the proclamation of the Gospel in contemporary world. The aim is to work together on how to present the doctrine of the Trinity, showing its significance and relevance for the lives of our contemporaries.



    G. Maspero, The Mystery of Communion. Encountering the Trinity (South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press, 2021)

    S. Bullivant, The Trinity: How Not to Be a Heretic (New York; Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2015)

    J. Ratzinger, The God of Jesus Christ, Meditations on the Triune God (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 2018)

    J. Daniélou, God and the Ways of Knowing (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 2003)

    J. Daniélou, God's Life in Us (Denville: Dimension Books, 1969)

    G. Maspero – R.J. Wozniak (Eds.), Rethinking Trinitarian Theology: Disputed Questions And Contemporary Issues in Trinitarian Theology (London-New York: T&T Clark, 2012)


    The method will be eminently dialogical. The professor will provide a methodological framework, which will be justified in the course of the lectures. Then we will reread together the different parts of the treatise and discuss how they can be translated in the light of the existential questions they touch upon.


    The final grade will be based on:

    1. Class Participation

    2. Final Exam: an essay of no more than 10000 keystrokes that presents a practical example of translation of a doctrinal element of the treatise in terms of the new evangelisation.

    Tentative schedule:

    February 12th          Introduction: Narrative and the Trinity

    February 19th          The relational approach                                 

    February 26th          First Testament issues (violence, religions, covenant)                                 

    March 4th          The novelty of the New Testament                                            

    March 11th          Heresies in us

    March 18th          The Fathers of the Church: why they are the key...

    April 8th          Middle Age and Contemporary Theology

    April 15th          The Personal Revolution

    April 22nd          Fatherhood, Filiation and Love

    April 29th          Missions and Human Existence: Time, Story and History

    May 6th          Mary and the Trinity: the way to Ecumenism and Spiritual life           

    May 13th          Final Q&A (...and proposals)

    May 20th          Final exam

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